Monday, 21 July 2014

Does 1 + 1 = 2 in every situation?

Does logic really work in every situation?
Should emotions and senses be factored in situation disintegrating?

In my opinion, though logic is the basis for most problem solving, but those problem solving are usually matters related to the non-living, that is to say, humans aren't involved in that equation.
Humans are complicated to begin with, and with all the hormones, emotions, thoughts et cetera, it can almost equate to a nuclear bomb. Yeah, you didn't read wrongly, "bomb". How many a times when someone just flare up at you for nothing, or show you his "you-owe-me-a-million-dollars" attitude just out of the blue? Well, you didn't do anything to offend or piss that person off though.
I will not say that I've been through so much complicated matters that I could write a book titled "The Complicated Life of Daniel". But what I've been through is good enough to mess up my life for a good period of time, and yes, logic is like a douchebag during those moments. It doesn't help and it just complicate things even more.
Complicated and messy life, but life goes on. Haven't you heard enough of that cliche statement which goes like "Time waits for no man (or woman)."? To a certain hateful extent, that statement kinda burns when one sets him/herself into a downward spiral EMO-sensation. It's like the time is saying "Well, go on with your self-pity, nobody cares, not even those whom you think are closest to you." Ouch? Yes. Painful? Yes. Feeling ridiculed at? Absolutely.
Logic, like I mentioned earlier, can be a douchebag in sensitive and touchy issues. Emotions and senses doesn't seem to be any much better either. As a matter of fact, once you roll in these two mates, they're just gonna stir s*** up in the inside of you and make things far more worst when you introduced "Logic" to your innerman.
Perhaps, I'm just thinking far too much and deep in many situations. Perhaps, I should just "let nature take its course" and be laidback, while waiting for things to unfold before my very eyes. Perhaps, just perhaps.
Logic, emotions, senses, please, let my tired soul rest just a little while.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Have you ever wondered...

The picture says it all. And I fall victim to it, not once, nor twice, but countless times.

When we have those words at the tip of the tongue, we will tend to hold back at that very last minute, just because the following questions 'pop' up in the brain:
1. What will he/she think if I said this? Can I accept his/her reaction to it?
2. Will those words be too mean/harsh? Will I hurt his/her feelings?
3. Will I sound stupid if I just blurt everything out without any filtering?

And at the end, we will just be thinking and be like "Well, let's keep this to another time. Perhaps it's just not the time yet..."

"Not the time yet..." - Again and again, this phrase makes victim out of many of us. Perhaps not many of us, perhaps, only me... Yes, I mentioned about Carpe Diem, about siezing the moment, however, being a do-er is always more challenging than the one who only speaks.

"Speak faith into that vision and it will soon turn into action." I've never doubted this, and I can vaguely remember where did I hear this from (Bible School perhaps?). Action is a very big word, as defined by, which is "an act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized by physical or mental activity."

Just two quotes which I personally favorite:
  • Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. - Napoleon Hill
  • Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. - Plato
Words have such impact on the human minds, that it can either encourage or inhibit growth. And usually people with high EQ (emotional intelligence) encourage growth more than inhibiting it, as they are rather sensitive in their words used on others.

Well, at the very end, some things in life just cannot be rushed to get the results which one desired. As a Chinese proverb that goes "欲速则不达", which means haste makes waste, it is necessary that one have patience and not speak anything that just come to your mind.

Keep Calm and don't be gan jiong (anxious in Hokkien)...

Tuesday, 1 July 2014





打个比方,自己如果在10分里,给自己打6分 (或是朋友给你打6分),你不可能高攀一个10分的女神。当然自己得做做自我检讨,不能对自己太过放纵,也不要对自己太过苛刻。


男人,不要犯下全天下男人都会犯的错 - 那就是以貌‘娶’人。
外表往往是第一的出发点,但别忘了外表随着时间会老化,而人心随着时间的摧残,都依然不变。多花一些时间,多费一些心思了解你的女神,而我不是说以偷窥或跟踪 (俗称 stalking)式去了解她喔~ 采取不健康的方式去了解你的女神会带来极恶的反效果。



遇到你那心目中的女神,往往会有一些 “病症”,例如:

但如果就那么被上天怜惜,把你们俩撮合在一起,那维持这段恋情,就得保持这份 “病症”。因为这些 “病症”,你带有了仰慕与爱,而这俩能将恋情维持到海枯石烂。

对了,当彼此坠入了爱河,别忘了发掘彼此爱的语言 (俗称 love language,而它的五大区域为 Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch。做个测验来查看自己爱的语言,因为当你知道她爱的语言,你们彼此的恋爱会更上一层!!